Panjab University's second car-free day: mixed results
car free

Panjab University's second car-free day: mixed results

Panjab University's second car-free day: a start-stop experience

Panjab University's second car-free day, aimed at reducing vehicular traffic on campus, saw mixed results with some challenges in communication and management. Although participation was voluntary, car drivers attempted to enter the campus, and traffic jams occurred, particularly near gate number 2. The entry of cars was allowed on a case-to-case basis, and the campus wasn't entirely car-free.

The university's security chief, Vikram Singh, mentioned that organizing the car-free day was more challenging this time due to three major events taking place on campus. Entry was allowed on a case-by-case basis, and the Ankur School held an event, allowing parents to collect their wards.

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Previous car free day

Compared to the previous car-free day, which saw a 75% reduction in car traffic, this time witnessed a reduction ranging from 55% to 60%.

Panjab University Campus Student Council general secretary, Deepak Goyat, noted that with Monday being a holiday, many students didn't attend classes on Friday, making it easier for authorities to manage the gates. However, convincing faculty members not to bring their cars remained a challenge.

While some teachers appreciated the initiative, there were calls to address the issues through the PU syndicate, as car-free days are set to become a monthly feature.

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Although e-rickshaws and a shuttle bus service were available for campus travel, the shuttle bus had limited takers.

Panjab University's decision to observe the last Friday of each month as "car-free day" was influenced by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) team's recommendation to reduce vehicular traffic on campus. The second car-free day revealed the need for improved coordination and compliance with the voluntary nature of the initiative.

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